Saturday, 31 May 2008

A new way to invest in press freedom

"83% percent of the world population lives in a scociety without independent press"

Belgrade-based journalist Sasa Vucinic explores the power of a free press to bolster democracy-building and shares his vision (since realized) for publicly traded securities that support independent media in developing countries.
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Majora Carter: Greening the ghetto

Majora Carter is a visionary voice in city planning who views urban renewal through an environmental lens. The South Bronx native draws a direct connection between ecological, economic and social degradation. Hence her motto: "Green the ghetto!"

With her inspired ideas and fierce persistence, Carter managed to bring the South Bronx its first open-waterfront park in 60 years, Hunts Point Riverside Park. Then she scored $1.25 million in federal funds for a greenway along the South Bronx waterfront, bringing the neighborhood open space, pedestrian and bike paths, and space for mixed-use economic development.
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Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom billion"

Around the world right now, one billion people are trapped in poor or failing countries. How can we help them? Economist Paul Collier lays out a bold, compassionate plan for closing the gap between rich and poor.
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Bill Strickland: Rebuilding America, one slide show at a time

Bill Strickland tells a quiet and astonishing tale of redemption through arts, music, and unlikely partnerships.
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Alan Kay: A powerful idea about teaching ideas

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Richard St. John: Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes

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G.W Bush comments on how companies likes Blackwater are governed by law

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Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut, 9/11

9/11, a closer look
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marksman 100% accurate.

marksman 100% accurate., using a bow
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next-gen movement engine

Official Euphoria Trailer
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Stairway to Heaven live (Rodrigo y Gabriela)

Stairway to Heaven live (Rodrigo y Gabriela)
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Wednesday, 28 May 2008


StumbleVideo - Bonobos : Online Video | Veoh Video Network
Bonobos : Online Video | Veoh Video Network
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John Butler Trio - Ocean

John Butler Trio - Ocean Simply amazing!

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Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Warren Buffett interview

StumbleVideo - Warren Buffett interview
Warren Buffett interview

How to wake your sleeping (girl)friend
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Age Of Conan Combat Tutorial

Age Of Conan Combat Tutorial
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Cities of the underworld - Cappadocia 1/5

History Channel - Cities of the underworld - Cappadocia 1/5
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Monday, 26 May 2008

Concentrate: BrainSync - Theta Wave w/ Fractals

BrainSync - Theta Wave w/ Fractals
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How to Create a High-Def speaker for under a dollar.

How to Create a High-Def speaker for under a dollar.
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Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Animated particles

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Project Blinkenlights: Arcade Games

Project Blinkenlights: Arcade Games
Whoever stands in front of Bibliothèque nationale de France can connect himself with the building by dialing +33 (1) 44 24 73 50. The current show will be interrupted and the text "TETRIS" announces that the game can begin.
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Missing matter no longer missing Missing matter no longer missing
Missing matter no longer missing



May 21, 2008 at 8:47 AM EDT

WASHINGTON — Astronomers have found some matter that had been missing in deep space and say it is strung along web-like filaments that form the backbone of the universe.
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Blackwater: Shadow Army

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Monday, 19 May 2008

Imagining the Tenth Dimension

Imagining the Tenth Dimension
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Sunday, 18 May 2008

Large Hadron Collider

Brian Cox: What really goes on at the Large Hadron Collider
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Black Button - Short Film

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Ariel Atom 2

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The "is-is" epidemic

StumbleVideo - The &Is-is& Epidemic Video - Metacafe

StumbleVideo: The &Is-is& Epidemic Video - Metacafe
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Impressions of ethnic and stereotypes

Impressions | Mind of Mencia | Comedy Central
Mind of Mencia
Wed 10:30p/9:30c

Carlos pimps out pedestrians to do impressions of ethnic stereotypes.
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Saturday, 17 May 2008

GTA IV achievements - Grand Theft Auto IV Achievement List

There are 50 achievements with a total of 1000 points.
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Thursday, 1 May 2008

Newsreport: Spiegel Online

Mai-Krawalle: Autonome zünden Autos an, Polizeichef flieht vor Demonstranten - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten
Eintreffende Polizisten attackierten die Autonomen laut Augenzeugenberichten mit Feuerwerkskörpern und Steinen.
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