ASIAN POP / MMO Better Blues
MMO Better Blues
By Jeff Yang, Special to SF Gate
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
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ChinaJoy booth babes: Because bikini-clad women and unarm... More booth babes at ChinaJoy's "Dead or Alive" exhibit: J... K2 Network's Joshua Hong. Courtesy of K2 Network Sword of the New World: Just chillin' until it's time to ... More...
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Korea is the online gaming capital of Asia. But will its wares play in the U.S.?
Before our phone interview begins, K2 Network chief executive Joshua Hong has one small warning. "I want to apologize in advance if I have to put you on hold every so often," he says. "I've been dealing with a really awful cold, and I don't want to be having a coughing fit directly into your ear."