Monday, 29 September 2008


GanttProject: Home
GanttProject 2.0.7
Jun 27, 2008

GanttProject 2.0.7 significantly improves resource chart perfomance. It is an order of magnitude faster comparing to previous 2.0 releases, and it makes work with complex projects with lots of resources and assignments much more comfortable. GP 2.0.7 also fixes a dozen of bugs.
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Sunday, 28 September 2008

MMOG nuggets from Austin GDC 2008

MMOG nuggets from Austin GDC « Lightspeed Venture Partners Blog
Some interesting tidbits about both free to play and subscription MMOGs coming out of the talks at Austin GDC. Min Kim of Nexon says:

Not just a Korean thing:
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Saturday, 27 September 2008


E-Marketing for Games: Case Studies and Best Practices
download presentation 1 | download presentation 2 | order DVD

Mastering the tools of the trade are critical for your next big win. From traditional on-line advertising to email campaigns, search engine marketing to community marketing, E-marketing experts w
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Updated: Virtual Worlds Management Report: 100+ Youth-Oriented Worlds Live or Developing

Virtual Worlds News: Updated: Virtual Worlds Management Report: 100+ Youth-Oriented Worlds Live or Developing
April 11, 2008
Updated: Virtual Worlds Management Report: 100+ Youth-Oriented Worlds Live or Developing

Developmentstatuskapril08 Virtual Worlds Management released a new report today on Youth Worlds: Based on a comprehensive research available through Virtual Worlds News, we've found that there are now over 100 virtual worlds operating or in development with a focus on the youth market (18-and-under). It's worth noting that, at the younger level, the lines between virtual worlds, games, and social networking blur heavily. If nothing else, it's a fascinating trend at how users are merging their activities into one immersive space. Likewise, while the list is sure to change (please feel free to send in updates) it's a good snapshot of where the industry is at: [These numbers are updated according to several worlds that I'm currently adding to the list.] While there are 60 listed youth worlds currently live, another 53 are in concepting, development, or testing phases. In other words, keep an eye on this space.
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Virtual Worlds Management Report: 150+ Youth-Oriented Worlds Live or Developing

Virtual Worlds News: Virtual Worlds Management Report: 150+ Youth-Oriented Worlds Live or Developing
Virtual Worlds Management Report: 150+ Youth-Oriented Worlds Live or Developing

Development_3 Virtual Worlds Management today released its updated Youth Worlds Analysis. Based on comprehensive research available through Virtual Worlds News, we've found that there are now over 150 virtual worlds operating or in development with a focus on the youth market (18-and-under). That's up from just over 100 in April, though not all of these are new developments. Some are merely worlds that more recently came to our attention. What has changed to some degree is the development status: In all there are 95 youth worlds currently live. Another 68 are in concepting, development, or testing phases. That's up from 53 in development in April, and I can say for a fact that there are plenty more out there that I know of in stealth mode and I'm sure even more that I haven't heard of. As crowded as the space is, it's only getting hotter.
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Thursday, 25 September 2008

MMOGData | Online Data About Online Games
Welcome to MMOGData!

Where am I?
Voig is a website dedicated to online gamers and the new home of MMOGData. If you’re looking for current subscription information or wondering just how many people play a specific MMOG, you’ve come to the right place.
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Saturday, 20 September 2008

The Free Information Society

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Living Off Grid

Living Off Grid | Living Off The Grid
<< Take a moment to sign up for our free newsletter and receive a free copy of our Energy Savings Guide
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Saturday, 13 September 2008

Floating Home

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Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Gespräch mit Mr. Ubisoft: Petz, Tom Clancy und Anno 1404

Gespräch mit Mr. Ubisoft: Petz, Tom Clancy und Anno 1404 -
Gespräch mit Mr. Ubisoft: Petz, Tom Clancy und Anno 1404
Interview mit Yves Guillemot, Chef des französischen Publishers Ubisoft

Was haben Casual-Spiele mit dem Hardcorespielermarkt zu tun, ist das Filmgeschäft wichtig für die Spielebranche, und welche Bedeutung haben lokale Inhalte wie "Anno 1404"? hat sich mit Yves Guillemot, dem Chef von Ubisoft, über diese und weitere Themen aus den Bereichen Markt, Entwicklung und Produktion unterhalten.
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Monday, 8 September 2008

Who plays, how much, and why?

Terra Nova: Who plays, how much, and why? Answers.
Who plays, how much, and why? Answers.

Dmitri Williams

As some on this list know, my research group has been working on a joint project with Sony Online Entertainment for the last two years. This collaboration has enabled our team to collect virtual world data on--as far as we know--an unprecedented scale. SOE has let us access the full data logs generated and collected by the world Everquest II.

This is one of those "be careful what you ask for" moments in science. We asked for everything, and many terabytes later, found ourselves hosting and analyzing massive data on supercomputers at NCSA. SOE also let us do a large-scale survey of their player base. Although there have been good surveys of virtual world populations done in the past, this is the first that took place within the game engine and with the help of the developer. As a result, it does not have the self-selection issues that the first such surveys have had, and the response rate was impressive.
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Sunday, 7 September 2008

LHC - first run: 10th september

Latest News from the LHC - Large Hadron Collider
Latest News from the LHC

LHC Control Room (copyright CERN)The 10th September 2008 is LHC start up date .

Everything is now ready for the first injection of proton beams into the LHC on the 10th September 2008.
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Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Exploiting Anarchy Online

Exploiting Anarchy Online

Security researchers Dan Caselden and Gabriel Landau at Independent Security Evaluators recently uncovered two security vulnerabilities present in the popular new and entertaining online game, Age of Conan, produced by Funcom. It was then determined that the game's equally engrossing predecessor, Anarchy Online, contains the same two vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities allow an attacker to read arbitrary files off of a victim's computer, crash the games during online play, and in the case of Anarchy Online, fully compromise a victim's machine giving the attacker full control of the targeted computer.
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Valve: Why the PC is the future

Valve: Why the PC is the future Article - Page 1 // PC /// Eurogamer - Games Reviews, News and More
When Valve summoned a handful of US and UK journalists to its Seattle headquarters at the end of last month, it promised to talk about the future of Steam, its digital distribution system. That it did, revealing the ambitious Steam Cloud service for remote storage of game data, and boasting that it would soon be making more money selling games digitally, all the while remaining untroubled by piracy.
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Tuesday, 2 September 2008

What Players Find Most Rewarding and Motivating About Your Game - Rethinking Carrots: A New Method For Measuring What Players Find Most Rewarding and Motivating About Your Game
Rethinking Carrots: A New Method For Measuring What Players Find Most Rewarding and Motivating About Your Game
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Gameplay strategies for motivating players largely focus on reward paradigms (“carrots on sticks”) that dangle the sweet enticements of hidden levels, provocative content, and variations on the Sword of A Thousand Truths. But like all of us, don’t games want to be loved for who they are deep down, and not what they have?
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Massively Mother-Approved Online: Cartoon Network’s New MMORPG

Massively Mother-Approved Online: Cartoon Network’s New MMORPG | GameCyte
Massively Mother-Approved Online: Cartoon Network’s New MMORPG

Thu, Aug 21, 2008

News, Preview

As the internet grows to consume every last aspect of our lives so that it can one day crush us all, and as each new generation grows more and more net-savvy, new steps are being taken to provide safe havens for our impressionable youngsters. Online games and destinations for kids are now plentiful and varied, from kid-safe social portals like Club Penguin and Habbo Hotel to fully-featured child-oriented games such as Toontown Online and the upcoming Hello Kitty Online.
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Monday, 1 September 2008

Cosmic crash unmasks dark matter

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Cosmic crash unmasks dark matter
Striking evidence has been found for the enigmatic "stuff" called dark matter which makes up 23% of the Universe, yet is invisible to our eyes.

The results come from astronomical observations of a titanic collision between two clusters of galaxies 5.7 billion light-years away.

Astronomers detected the dark matter because it separated from the normal matter during the cosmic smash-up.
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RMT – What it is now, and what it can become

RMT – What it is now, and what it can become! «
After having seen Station Exchange running for over a year now, I’ve come to see RMT in an entirely different light and I believe the real future of RMT is actually a really bright one if we can work on our game designs in such a way as to make it a cool part of the games. Imagine an MMO without a subscription fee that has Station Exchange built into it. However, the game is designed in such a way as to only allow the sale and transfer of non-game impacting items. What if an in-game tailor had the toolset to actually put cool designs on clothing and literally make them custom for different players, and then that person could open a virtual storefront on Station Exchange. That’s the kind of cool thing we see in the future and frankly it’s the direction we want to steer things. To create an ecosystem for players to make money from these games while they’re having fun.
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