Virtual Worlds News: Updated: Virtual Worlds Management Report: 100+ Youth-Oriented Worlds Live or Developing
April 11, 2008
Updated: Virtual Worlds Management Report: 100+ Youth-Oriented Worlds Live or Developing
Developmentstatuskapril08 Virtual Worlds Management released a new report today on Youth Worlds: Based on a comprehensive research available through Virtual Worlds News, we've found that there are now over 100 virtual worlds operating or in development with a focus on the youth market (18-and-under). It's worth noting that, at the younger level, the lines between virtual worlds, games, and social networking blur heavily. If nothing else, it's a fascinating trend at how users are merging their activities into one immersive space. Likewise, while the list is sure to change (please feel free to send in updates) it's a good snapshot of where the industry is at: [These numbers are updated according to several worlds that I'm currently adding to the list.] While there are 60 listed youth worlds currently live, another 53 are in concepting, development, or testing phases. In other words, keep an eye on this space.