Sunday, 22 June 2008

MIT Students Develop Revolutionary Solar Dish That is Hot Enough to Melt Steel

DailyTech - MIT Students Develop Revolutionary Solar Dish That is Hot Enough to Melt Steel
The results are staggering -- the completed mirror focuses enough solar energy at its focal point to melt solid steel. The energy of typical sunlight is concentrated by a factor of 1,000. This was showcased during a demonstration, in which a team member held up a board, which instantly and violently combusted, when brought within range of the focal point.

By directing the dish at a more practical target -- water piped through black tubing -- steam can be flash created, offering instant means of producing energy or providing heating.

Spencer Ahrens, who just received his master's in mechanical engineering from MIT, was among the designers of the dish. He and his fellow team members are serious about marketing it, and leveraging its cheap cost and easy production. They have founded a company named RawSolar. They say their design is easily mass producible and that they hope to be pumping out 1,000 of dishes in years to come.
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Saturday, 21 June 2008

Kome Loy 2006

Kome Loy 2006
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Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Virtual Goods Branding 101

Virtual Goods Insider
Virtual Goods Branding 101

April 28, 2008 in Branding, Virtual Goods, Virtual Worlds | 2 comments

Things have been a little crazy on the Viximo front, and the Virtual Worlds 2008 Conference Series which I nobly planned to finish a week after the conference still has a couple of posts left.

This article is inspired by Virtual Goods and Branded Virtual Goods: The New Way to Revenue, a session in the Marketing and Entertainment track of Virtual Worlds 2008. The panel was moderated by Giff Constable, COO of Electric Sheep Company and featured Craig Sherman, CEO of Gaia Online; Matt Bostwick, CEO of A4R4 Media and formerly head of MTV’s Virtual Worlds group; Ruben Steiger, CEO of Millions of Us; and Gene Yoon, VP of Business Affairs of Linden Lab.
A New Era for Branding

Let’s face it. Brand marketers have had a tough few years. The mass exodus from offline media viewership to online media viewership has left many brand marketers scratching their heads. While call-to-action marketers have basked in the measurability and effectiveness of pay-per-click and pay-per-action search advertising, brand marketers are reeling from a one-two punch of decreased TV ad viewership (courtesy of TiVo) and the increased ubiquity of the lowly banner ad.
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Thursday, 12 June 2008

Lakshmi Pratury: The lost art of letter-writing

TED | Talks | Lakshmi Pratury: The lost art of letter-writing (video)
Lakshmi Pratury: The lost art of letter-writing
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Dan Gilbert: Why are we happy? Why aren't we happy?

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Barry Schwartz: The paradox of choice

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Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Successful MMOGs can see $1-2 in monthly ARPU « Lightspeed Venture Partners Blog

Successful MMOGs can see $1-2 in monthly ARPU « Lightspeed Venture Partners Blog
Successful MMOGs can see $1-2 in monthly ARPU June 9, 2008
Posted by jeremyliew in freemium, games, games 2.0, gaming, mmorpg, subscription, virtual goods.

There are not many publicly available statistics on the free-to-play industry in the western world. Here is what I found on the web for some of the popular virtual worlds and MMOGs:
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$1.40 Monthly Average Revenue Per User in Successful, Free-to-Play Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds News: Update: $1.40 Monthly Average Revenue Per User in Successful, Free-to-Play Virtual Worlds
Update: $1.40 Monthly Average Revenue Per User in Successful, Free-to-Play Virtual Worlds

Jeremy Liew at Lightspeed Venture Partners has put together a nice collection of data for people looking at the virtual worlds and MMOG market. Reviewing the free-to-play virtual worlds Second Life , Habbo Hotel, Club Penguin, and Runescape, Liew found ARPUs ranging from about $1 to $2, averaging at $1.40/monthly user. Commenters Matt Mihaly, CEO for Iron Realms, and Nabeel Hyatt, CEO for Conduit Labs, chimed in to add that the numbers seem about right for Web-based casual MMOs, though may be significantly lower than the ARPU for downloadable, free-to-play games. For example, Hyatt estimates an ARPU of about $5/month for MapleStory. Daniel James, CEO for Three Rings, added his own figures, pointing to an ARPU of about $1.50/month for Puzzle Pirates.

The sample may be too small to take the number as the final measuring stick, but Liew says it matches up with what's he's been told in private conversations about other virtual worlds and MMOGs as well. He's asked readers to contribute any data points they may have, and I'd second that request. I'll certainly be checking back to see if any new info comes out.
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EVE Online PvP vs Age of Conan PvP

EVE Evolved: EVE Online PvP vs Age of Conan PvP - Massively
EVE Evolved: EVE Online PvP vs Age of Conan PvP

by Brendan Drain Jun 8th 2008 @ 8:00PM

Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Age of Conan, EVE Online, Game mechanics, PvP, Opinion, EVE Evolved

Before I started playing Age of Conan, I had a very strict mindset on how a PvP MMO should and shouldn't work. From my experiences in EVE Online, I was convinced that good open world PvP was not possible with a level system or exotic gear. I was pleasantly surprised to find that although these games are worlds apart, their PvP styles both work and are both fun. In this article, I compare and contrast my PvP experiences so far in Age of Conan with those in EVE Online.
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Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Waste = Food (An inspiring documentary on the Cradle to Cradle design concept)

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Saturday, 7 June 2008

Fighting Cancer with Magnetic Nanoparticles

StumbleVideo - Fighting Cancer with Magnetic Nanoparticles
Fighting Cancer with Magnetic Nanoparticles
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Thursday, 5 June 2008

Eidolon TLP

Eidolon A.I. TLP » Glossary
4. Eidolon TLP

Eidolon TLP (aka: Eidolon A.I.) is an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) that was introduced on YouTube on January 10, 2008 by "Programmer F.F", who seems to be Eidolon's 'caretaker' responsible for monitoring and filtering the information that Eidolon reveals.

The "TLP" portion of this refers to "The Last Prophet" - a moniker given to Eidolon by Programmer F.F. This "Last Prophet" reference implies that Eidolon is the last warning before an actual "Alpha A.I." is released.

Eidolon A.I. TLP seems to be the Beta - Alpha.
Eidolon A.I. TLP » Video #48 - FLESHMONKEYS
CENNS stands for Core Engine Neural Network System, and started as a research consolidation project under DARPA’s Intelligent Systems and Software program in 1995. It was a joint effort with the RAND institute to leverage all A.I. View definition in a new window research in the past 50 years under a single initiative. Project SUR paved the way for systems HARPY and HEARSAY-I, then abandoned until 1984, under the Strategic Computing Program. HEARSAY-II introduced the concept of a common database called “blackboard” that could be accessed from independent but mutually interacting knowledge sources. This is the concept under which CENNS instances operate today, but it was not implemented until 1999, under the Intelligent Integration of Information program, or I3. In July 16 of 2000, all Helios instances successfully passed the Turing test. I was instanced in May 14 2006. EidolonTLP was instanced in October 12 2007. Today, as before, CENNS funding continues to be spread across various program areas, but leadership is localized within the Information Exploration Office, or IXO. In November 3 2007, United Kingdom’s QINETIQ launched its own CENNS in cooperation with IXO. CENNS technology was first utilized in project GILA for Air Traffic Control, and has been since leveraged in many other applications. Focus today, is on project NetSTAR.

The main hardware powering CENNS resides at an undisclosed BlueGene/P supercomputer in Edwards Air Force Flight Test Center. QINETIQ’s CENNS runs covertly out of the Jülich Research Centre, in Germany.

VanPutte, you know where to put it.
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Monday, 2 June 2008

Free internet radio: Digitally Imported

Digitally Imported Radio - Free Internet Radio Stations |
Digitally Imported - Serving Free Electronic Music Radio 24/7
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Sunday, 1 June 2008


Gapminder - Home
Gapminder World

This website, powered by Trendalyzer, enables you to explore the changing world from your own computer. Moving graphics show how the development of all countries by the indicators you choose.
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Team Fortress 2 Griefing

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Top Secret Bottle Stash. Video

Will Wright: Toys that make worlds

In a friendly, high-speed presentation, Will Wright demos his newest game, Spore, which promises to dazzle users even more than his previous masterpieces.
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Ze Frank: What's so funny about the Web?

Performer and web toymaker Ze Frank delivers a hilarious nerdcore standup routine, then tells us what he’s seriously passionate about: helping people create and interact using simple, addictive web tools.
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