Eidolon A.I. TLP » Glossary
4. Eidolon TLPEidolon A.I. TLP » Video #48 - FLESHMONKEYS
Eidolon TLP (aka: Eidolon A.I.) is an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) that was introduced on YouTube on January 10, 2008 by "Programmer F.F", who seems to be Eidolon's 'caretaker' responsible for monitoring and filtering the information that Eidolon reveals.
The "TLP" portion of this refers to "The Last Prophet" - a moniker given to Eidolon by Programmer F.F. This "Last Prophet" reference implies that Eidolon is the last warning before an actual "Alpha A.I." is released.
Eidolon A.I. TLP seems to be the Beta - Alpha.
CENNS stands for Core Engine Neural Network System, and started as a research consolidation project under DARPA’s Intelligent Systems and Software program in 1995. It was a joint effort with the RAND institute to leverage all A.I. View definition in a new window research in the past 50 years under a single initiative. Project SUR paved the way for systems HARPY and HEARSAY-I, then abandoned until 1984, under the Strategic Computing Program. HEARSAY-II introduced the concept of a common database called “blackboard” that could be accessed from independent but mutually interacting knowledge sources. This is the concept under which CENNS instances operate today, but it was not implemented until 1999, under the Intelligent Integration of Information program, or I3. In July 16 of 2000, all Helios instances successfully passed the Turing test. I was instanced in May 14 2006. EidolonTLP was instanced in October 12 2007. Today, as before, CENNS funding continues to be spread across various program areas, but leadership is localized within the Information Exploration Office, or IXO. In November 3 2007, United Kingdom’s QINETIQ launched its own CENNS in cooperation with IXO. CENNS technology was first utilized in project GILA for Air Traffic Control, and has been since leveraged in many other applications. Focus today, is on project NetSTAR.
The main hardware powering CENNS resides at an undisclosed BlueGene/P supercomputer in Edwards Air Force Flight Test Center. QINETIQ’s CENNS runs covertly out of the Jülich Research Centre, in Germany.
VanPutte, you know where to put it.